
Open of Discussion

Open of Discussion
Q.1 Is there a Universal idea of beauty? What does a physically attractive women look like? What does a handsome man look like?
è       It is said that "Beauty is in the eyes of beholders". A thing or a person may not be beautiful in itself. The same person or a thing may be beautiful for somebody but it may not be beautiful for others so, beauty depends on the personal judgment. For that reason, there is no universal definition o idea about beauty. For example a person may be beautiful for me but it is not necessary that all people take him or her as beautiful.
            Generally beauty means is physically beauty. If a person is physically attractive he/she is called beautiful. In the past people use to think that beauty is skin-deep. But now people take that physical beauty as a powerful means to affect others. For that reason many cosmetic and fashion industries or getting progress. People couldn't see internal beauty like skill and moral character. Generally the fashion and cosmetic industries have made the impossible idea beauty of women long hair attractive look, slim body and tall appearance are the basic elements of beauty for men his height is taken as the basic elements of his attractiveness. But they are just personal judgment. For example, in Africa fat women is taken as beautiful so there is not a universal at all.

Q.2 If cloning becomes the reality, how will it a affect the future of society? For example what role will men have in the society if they are no longer needed to reproduce?
è People are afraid of the possible consequence of cloning if it becomes a reality in the future society. Even the gay and unmarried single person can have a baby. If the reproduction would be possible without sexual partner, the value of family life, marital relationship and love in the family will be no more. There will be no need of men to have a baby. The unmarried people would be the biological parents of the cloned baby. The future of our society will be in the critical situation.

Q.3 Can a short encounter with someone has a great an impact as a long-term relationship? If so given an example If not why not?
Ø Yes, I think a short term encounter with someone can have a great impact as a long term relationship for example, last year, I met a person and when I got to walk with him, I was vey much impressed with his knowledge and his positive way of thinking from that moment we become close friend and even nowadays we are together event the first meeting between us, we impressed each other.

Q.4  What does a person need in order to climb over poverty? How should the government of the country help the poor? How important is the family in over country poverty?
Ø "Poverty" means the depreciation from common needs such as food, clothing, shelter, health, service and education. These things determine the quality of human life. Due to the lack of education, skill and opportunity for work, a man becomes poor. If we provide him/her good education, training on skill and opportunity to work a person could climb over poverty. If a person gets vocational educational and if he has some skills to work, he could earn for his living and his life standard could be improved proper education makes a man self-dependent.
First of all a person should get opportunity to work. If he improves the economics condition, he could come out from poverty. A person shouldn't think about his fact for poverty if a person is physically and mentally healthy, he could work and come out from poverty. A government should not provide them food….

Q. Is there a Universal idea of beauty? What does a physically attractive women like? What does a handsome man look like?
Ø It is said that "Beauty is in the eyes of beholder". A thing or a person may not be beautiful in itself. The same person or thing may be beautiful for somebody but it may not be beautiful for others so, beauty depends on the personal judgment. For that reason, there is no universal definition or idea about beauty. For examples a person may be beautiful for me but it not necessary that all people take him or her as beautiful.
Generally beauty means is physical beauty. If a person is physically attractive he/she is called beautiful. In the past people use to think that beauty skin deep. But now people take that physical beauty as a powerful means to affect others. For that reasons many cosmetic and fashion industries or getting progress. People couldn't see internal beauty like skill and moral character. Generally the fashion and cosmetic industries have made the impossible idea beauty of women long hair attractive look, slim body and tall appearance are the basic elements of beauty for man his height is taken as the basic elements of his attractiveness. But they are just personal judgment for example in Africa fat women just taken as beautiful so there is not a universal idea of beauty at all.

Q. Organizing a cause-and-effect Essay:

Body 1
Topic sentence

Body 2
Topic Sentence
Body 3
Topic sentence

Restatement of thesis
Summary of main idea

Q. Write a five paragraph essay in which you discuss the cause and effect of description based on the way people look and the effect of the discrimination on the individual and on society as a whole.
Ø It is bitter reality of our society that a beautiful child gets more support and help from not only by the strangers but also parents as well. A child gets less care even is house and, as he/she couldn't get support so the serious effect could be seen due to the discrimination based on the way of people look. It only brings problems to the individual but to the society as a whole.
The negative body image creates a pressure over the body basically the girl has to face problem because people think beauty means external beauty. So the less attractive girls and boys like to use the cosmetics or beauty products. They have the mental pressure to be beautiful sometimes they become the victim of depression. The discrimination caused them bad effect on their study as well.
Due to the discrimination many social problems could be occurred. A less attractive person couldn't get partner for marriage. The society could not easily accept the less attractive people. The whole society only see the external beauty for that reason the cosmetic industries are getting profit.
Less attractive people also have to face the discrimination from their classmates. A beautiful baby gets support and much care at school from the teachers so he/she could got progress in study. He/she gets good jobs, high pay and faster promotion.
In conclusion people shouldn't judge a person just for his/her physical beauty they should think about their internal beauty that means skill and good characters. Anyway beauty is a powerful means to affect others.

Q. May have claimed that the fashion, cosmetic and advertisement industries are promoting on impossible standard of beauty, one that very few people can meet, what are some possible reasons for their promotion of unrealistic standard of beauty? What are the effects on people and society?
Ø It is do that fashion cosmetic and advertisement industries are promoting an impossible standard beauty very few people could meet their idea. Basically, the beauty their means the physical beauty of female the face of the female is compare with commodity. And it is thought that it should be decorated. The fashion and cosmetic industries have given the standard of beauty her women not tall slim body long hair fair complexion etc. all the things couldn't be seen on every women. To get those beauties they try their best the companies advertise their beauty product and women like to get them of any cost so sell their cosmetic and fashion product they have given the impossible standard of beauty.
Because of their discrimination there are many bad effects in the society and in the person as well people become choice to use the cosmetic and a person choice to get beauty. From the physical beauty they judge the person if a person less attractive. He/she might be the victim of depression of the society also doesn't him/her. But, It is not good to judge a person just because he is physically attractive or not. The internal beauty like skill and moral character are the things to judge the person. However the present world, external beauty is much effective than the internal beauty.

Two Theories of Personality Types
·        Comparison of Contest Essay
1.     Sheldon's Theory of body Types and temperature.
2.     The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
Plump, soft and round body developed digestive system
Relax scrabble tolerant comfort-coving humorous peaceful worry for stomach digestive system
Hard, muscular body upright posture
Active assertive combative worry for muscle
Lean, delicate, poor muscle (thin)
Circulatory system quite sensitive worried mind (brain)

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