
Open For Discussion:

Open For Discussion:
Q. Think about the lives of people who live in countries where the main sources of income are industry or technology. How their lives are different from the lives of people in societies that are predominant agriculture?
Ø     People have different life style in different countries in terms of the economics structure. The world can be divided into two categories according to the sources of Income of people.
§  Industry Based society
§  Agriculture based society
The countries which have industries, as the main sources of income have the complex life style than the agriculture countries. The industrial societies are the developed societies and they should have skill and technology.
            They do have busy life and there are white caller workers and blue caller workers. They have to live with modern technology and they have the busy life. The developed countries of Europe and America have the sound economics situation of the people. There is the relationship between capitalist and the workers.
            But in agriculture countries people have difficult life style. They have to work in the field. They have the seasonal work. They have to live in community for the exchange of help. They get fresh food to eat but their economic condition couldn't be sound. There life is happy but not good economic condition so in both society they have different life style.

Q. How have eating habits changed in the last decade or so? Are people eating different foods now? Are they eating different times? Are people eating more food in restaurant than they used to? How are tour eating habits affect from those of your parents your grand parents?
Ø   Nothing is constant in the world. Everything is dynamic so, the eating habit are being changed in the world since the last decade. In the past people have certain types of foods to eat, but now they have different kinds of food to eat. Due to the influence of modern technology, the food and eating habit have been changed. In the past, people used to eat only rice and bread as their food in Nepal. Now all types of Chinese food, continental food and African food as well as Indian food are being eaten in Nepal. The system of breakfast lunch, dinner, supper etc. popular even in Nepal. They were not in my parents and grand parents time.
It used to be thought that food should be eaten only in house as a holy action. But the system of restaurant is being popular in our society. My grandfather never thought to it in a restaurant but it is like a fashion to eat outside the house. Restaurant seem to be full at evening. Due to the busy life in the industrial society people don't have time prepare food themselves. So, they eat in the restaurant.
Nepalese people is to eat food with fingers. But due to the influence of Chinese as well as European culture, the forks and chopstick are don't like to eat the food even touched with meat, but now the new generation eats everything.

"Structured Writing Focus"
Organizing Classification Essay
Set to be classified
Thesis statement


Body 1
Topic Sentence


Topic Sentences


Body 3
Topic Sentences

Restatement Of Thesis

The present world can be divided into three categories according to the government system in the world. For Example: Some countries have the monarchy some of them have democracy and other have dictatorship.
            In the ancient history, most of the countries had monarchy because at that time king used to be taken as the God. Even nowadays in Many countries there is monarchy, foe examples in Bhutan, Thailand and even in England. The king would be the supreme person there. The son of the king becomes the next king.
            Democracy is the common system of government all over the world. The multiparty system of democracy and elected represented rules iun the country. There would be the freedom to people. There would be open market. So many countries in the world, like to have democratic system.
            In some countries of the world, we see the dictatorship where the military rules with power. They do not give the freedom to people. Then many countries are revolting against the ruler in the world. So, the system should be changed.
            In conclusion, people like to get freedom and the democratic ruling system is being popular in those countries. The monarchy and dictatorship are being unpopular.

Additional Writing Opportunities

Q. Write an essay about different types of families considers nuclear family, extended family and alternative families. In what respect are they same? How are they different? Include the definition of family that would apply to the entire set.
Ø Generally the smallest unit of a society is called a family. It is usually defines as if a husband and wife live together with their children a house, that is called a family. But this definition is incomplete because it is appropriate only for nuclear family. So, the common residence is the main feature of all types of families. In world we could see three types of families as nuclear family nuclear family extended family alternatives families.
Nuclear Family is that where husband and wife stay together in a house with their children. It is the common family system in the world. Nowadays nuclear family could be seen everywhere. They could easily manage their family economically. In the western countries, almost families members are nuclear families.
Extended family is that where the family member like uncle, aunt, grandparents etc. live together in a common kitchen. It is widely popular in the Africa and southern Asia. They think they have the responsibility towards family members. But nowadays such families are being less common in such families wore division is a better thing.
Alternatives families means the alternatives life style of people. Foe examples the step families, staying single cohabitation single parent family due to death and divorce and child adoption are the common alternatives family structure. These types of  family are being common in the modern time.
In conclusion, all the three types of families could be seen in the world.

Q. How do you respond to authority? Do you work better, when you are supervised or when you are left to work on your own? How do most people work best?
            Authority is not good all time if someone gives pressure over us due to his power and position, it wouldn't help us for the improvement of our work. To some extent it is good because it manages the rules and regulations in any work, but there should not be absolute control when I'm surprised I wouldn't do better work. If I get to do in mu own way, I will do my work better because I could get to use my skill.
            I think, freedom is essential thing to do something in our life with boss freedom, we can't perform our skill in any field. If it is controlled and being threatened by our supervisor our creative faculty won't be used. If the boss supervisors over the employees activities it could create disturbance it doesn't mean they should left freely. A kind of friendly relationship should be maintained between the employees and the workers I think all the people could get better if they are left to work freely with some guidance.

Q. What does the following quote mean? Do you agree or disagree with it? How does it relate to workplace monitoring?  "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" – Lord Action.
Ø Throughout the history we see the powerful rulers were so corrupted that they tried to exploit the people. The statement by lord Action is very truthful that "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The powerful holders always misuse their power for the personal benefit. They don't use their power for the welfare of others. Absolute power makes a man selfish and cruel. As hitler got the absolute power and exploited the millions of in Germany. The absolute power Holders becomes is always bad.
Lord nature with this statement, wants to say that "Great men are usually bad man". Power holders try to dominate others and they want. So take all power on their hand. They want to control others and take enjoyment with others pain. Rana rulers in Nepal were so corrupted due to their power. King Gyanendra once had taken absolute power on his hand. But when there would be much exploriazation people revolt against the power and ultimately in ends.

Structured writing focus: 5 paragraph essay organization of advantages and disadvantages essay.
General Statement
Thesis Statement

Body 1
Advantages of work place monitoring
Topic sentence
Summary of research as support


Body 2
Disadvantages of workplace monitoring
Topic sentences
Summary of research as support


Body 3
Your opinion on work place monitoring
Topic Sentences
Summary of research as support
Concluding sentences

Summary of the main points
Advice / Warning


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